Thursday, December 23, 2010

Communication is Important

Identify how you can use the communications process to ensure effective communications. What technologies are currently used to enhance the effectiveness of communications today? What causes miscommunications?
How do I insure I have effective communication with the people I encounter and work with? I pay attention and listen to what they have to say. Even if I disagree with what someone say’s I still will hear them out and listen with an objective ear. There are so many communications types that the book has talked about this week which include verbal, non-verbal, using technology to communicate with each other and written work that we submit to a boss or a co-worker.
Interpersonal communication is important and working with many different types of people means for me to see what their communication style is and work from there to decide how I want to interact with them. I really enjoyed reading in chapter one about personality differences because I want to learn how to deal with people better who might be on the little annoying side or the opposite of me. I like to speak up for myself and ask questions but this is not the case with some of my new co-workers. I like to ask questions about how I can do the job better and sometimes I have had to ask questions that the whole team was afraid to ask. Using email is a great way to communicate with a boss or a supervisor without drawing attention to yourself or the situation.
Miscommunication can come from so many different directions I feel that sometimes people perceive that there is a problem when there really is not one and when they interact with someone that person will be responding as if there was really a problem. Miscommunication also takes place when someone does not accept responsibility for what they have done and makes it appear that they were not involved or it was someone else’s fault. These types of issues can really kinder a relationship or cause unneeded confusion or aggravation to you and your co-workers. People need to learn to own their own mistakes and learn from it and not do it again, but some people do not realize their communication patterns that they have when they interact with people at work.
We have so many ways that we can communicate with each other and sometimes I wonder with all these different hand held devices there are that do we forget how to communicate with each other face to face? How many times have you noticed someone check out and you have lost their attention? I think we have a shorter attention span and want to be quicker and we assume that we will have a quicker response time. How many times have you caught a co-worker texting, responding to an email, receiving a phone call and they either stay in their seat and talk or they walk away from their desk? I feel that people become disconnected from each other with all of this technology that surrounds us every day.
I love to use email and at work I am on an email team and throughout my day I am copying and pasting templates onto an email and then I send it out to the customer. Sometimes in an email the person may feel like the response they are getting is confusing or impersonal so that means my role of the sender means breaking down the information and cutting and pasting certain sections of templates and not the whole thing. People may feel overwhelmed with too much information using and by using a heading followed by the information helps to break up a very long email.
I think the most popular ways that people communicate where I work is by email, I have seen people have face to face meetings and I think that people feel that both are equally important. I am on the low tech end, but I know a lot of people have hand held technology and can use phones with flip screens which hold the same amount of information a regular computer can. Typical ways to communicate information to a group is by using web conferences, team meetings with slide shows, sending emails using a distribution list so that only certain groups are the receivers.
Just out of curiosity what are your favorite types of technology that you regularly use to communicate with the people in your life? I have a cell phone, but only use it once and awhile and one morning I noticed that when I pulled out my lunch bag from the freezer that my phone was tucked into one of the pockets. Yes, it still worked and the point is I really did not miss it too much because my communication is mostly done on the internet and if I did not have a computer I would feel lost. What about you is there something that you use that you can give up for just a day or two and be fine?

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