Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Explain how participative management affects performance, and also discuss knowledge management and techniques used by companies to increase knowledge sharing.
Participative management is the process where employees play a direct role in four parts which include setting goals, making decisions, solving problems and making changes in the organization (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009 pg. 333-334). I would like to work for a company that has this style because it is important to come up with ideas and have someone who listen to them and in a company like this accomplishing something based on intuition and knowledge would be really cool. The three parts of Maslow’s Need Theory that are associated with this are autonomy, meaningfulness of work, interpersonal contact and satisfaction of these needs enhances feeling of acceptance and commitment, security, challenge and satisfaction (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009 pg. 334). All of these things lead to creative ideas, increased production and a great environment to work in.
Alan Frost believes knowledge management is essentially about getting the right knowledge to the right person at the right time (Frost, 2011). He has created an easy to follow website called KMT-A KM Resource Site, when I read the line about it reminded me of something I would read in my marketing class in one of my undergrad classes about the marketing mix. Four aspects of knowledge management that are included on his website are:
Organizational: The right processes, environments, culture, and systems
Managerial: The right leadership, strategy, and so on
Technological: The right systems, tools, and technologies - properly implemented
Political: The support to implement and sustain initiatives that involve virtually all organizational functions; that may be costly to implement (both from the perspective of time and money); and which often do not have a directly visible return on investment (Frost, 2011).
Some things that companies can use to share information email, web publishing, video conferencing tools, workflow systems, and information management systems (Frost, 2011).

Frost, A. (2011, December 15). Knowledge management. Retrieved from http://www.knowledge-management-tools.net/
Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R.  (2009). Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best

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