Spiritual Change
Change can be macroscopic broad-scale social trends and cultural themes
Deepak Chopra writes in his article called, “Only Spirituality Can Solve the Problems of the World,” and that, “Spirituality is the experience of that domain of awareness where we experience our universality. This domain of awareness is a core consciousness that is beyond our mind, intellect, and ego” (Chopra, 2010). What do you think about that? He makes note that, “When we have even a partial glimpse of this level of awareness we experience joy, insight, intuition, creativity, and freedom of choice” (Chopra, 2010).
Change in population and cultural themes
Deepak states that, “This experience can be had by anyone through the practice of meditation, prayer, contemplative self-inquiry, the expression of love and compassion in action, intellectual inquiry into the deeper meaning of life, and self-less service” (Chopra, 2010).
Significant social events
Deepak Chopra’s article is stating past significant social events in the name of religion, “If there is anything that will at this moment heal our wounded planet with its immense problems of social injustice, ecological devastation, extreme economic disparities, war, conflict and terrorism, it is a deeper experiential understanding and knowledge of our own spirit” (Chopra, 2010). This is a note from his article:
However, because spiritual knowledge is powerful, the custodians of organized religion have frequently ended up with destructive behaviors -- power mongering, cronyism, control, corruption, and influence peddling. As a result organized religion has frequently become quarrelsome, divisive, and led to conflict. No organized religion has been immune to this unfortunate tendency. So, we have had the crusades and witch-hunts of Christianity, the Jihads of Islam, the violent communal riots instigated by fundamentalist Hindus and the persecution of minorities and ethnic cleansing all in the name of God (Chopra, 2010).
Chopra, D. (2010, February 24). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/only-spirituality-can-sol_b_474221.html
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