Graphics are very important because when I am looking for information I want to have something pleasing to look at. I found an awesome website called Visit NH and a beautiful picture of the ocean can be found on their web page. On the bottom are little boxes that describe what can be found by clicking on the box and as you move the arrow key the box will move as well. How cool is that? Anything you want to know it just clicks away and there are lists of event calendars and attractions that tourists might want to do or visit. The picture on the main backdrop page will change and whoever worked on this website really has thought about design, layout, the target audience, and how to get tourists to visit NH.
Graphics can change across media depending on who the target audience is, if you are marketing to rock and rollers than black or red may be used in the background. If you are placing a commercial on TV for a new G rated movie than pinks, purple, blue and yellows will probably be shown because they are happy colors. If the President is speaking in a press conference he may wear a red tie because it shows strengths and importance. Colors in graphics will attract people to what is being sold because people find different things more appealing than others.
In a business presentation especially if it is formal the person may be wearing a suit, tie and appear very professional and this will help to build his credibility. If his presentation has a power point, handouts, or charts that are easy to understand than he will most likely not lose his audience. It is also important for him to add a little humor to show that he is funny but he can be smart and get his point across. Graphics that we have seen over and over again are stuck in our mind but not always on a conscious level. If we can see a product logo in a commercial we may miss it the first few times it is on, but then something clicks and we raise our awareness level. How many times have you watched the Home Extreme Makeover? I started becoming more aware of product placement because of my Public Relations class and I lose track of how many products that they advertise.
In sports advertisements the person is shown doing something physical like running up a hill, riding a bike, in a pack of hundreds of runners and this shows active motion. By doing this the person watching the commercial about an event will feel in awe of what the person has accomplished. Sometimes they will portray this person to seem like the strongest on earth and show the person near the Grand Canyon or some other destination that will appeal to the audience. When people like a particular sport like baseball, basketball, swimming or cycling they will feel a kinship with that athlete. Think about how dramatic the promo spots of athletes are for the Olympics and everyone wants to route for the hometown hero, but who has heard of the hero before? A lot of publicity and advertisement contracts are made with different athletes and major brands like Nike, Cannondale and Speedo. This is really a great time for all that are involved in a major sports event like the Olympics.
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